The summer comes down pretty hard around these parts. But that doesn't stop some pesky visitors from making my life unbearable. Do you know how many times I have cleaned up after summer break parties?
I did sign up for this. But if I wanted my paycheck to be sliced in half because some stupid man got their insides nibbled by a grizzly, my ex-wife would've been just fine. I'm telling you there's a scam in the ranger service because I don't see any of the money they are pouring into it, especially not after the batch of canned soup they sent in last week.
Don't get me wrong, this job has its ups and downs. But, sometimes the low points are just too deep to fathom. One minute you're picking up cheap booze, and the next thing, someone is wiping your brains from the cliffrock. Did not talk to old Chris much, but he was one of the good ones.
My window has a good view of the wilderness. Maybe, that's why I am still here. You would think that your ghosts, regrets, mistakes won't find you here. But some nights, you would wake up in your own sweat and find them gaping at you, through the only small lamplight in the room.
The forest is a serene place. And occasionally it will put up a show for you. Kamikaze, they called it. I was there when it started. A bottle of cheap whiskey and my boy. I always fed him well, but he never grew out of that 15 by 15 photograph.
The wind would carry soot to my doorstep and I would sit there, undeterred and speechless. I felt peaceful in all that turmoil. Somewhere in there, I saw myself, charred and ash.
The wilderness took me to its bosom through the impeachable fire trail. It would contain it. Are you sure? Maybe shadows don't leave cold nights because their roars would eclipse the day. As for me, I would probably follow my prey into the flames. Until then, I'll be a coyote on Firewatch.
I did sign up for this. But if I wanted my paycheck to be sliced in half because some stupid man got their insides nibbled by a grizzly, my ex-wife would've been just fine. I'm telling you there's a scam in the ranger service because I don't see any of the money they are pouring into it, especially not after the batch of canned soup they sent in last week.
Don't get me wrong, this job has its ups and downs. But, sometimes the low points are just too deep to fathom. One minute you're picking up cheap booze, and the next thing, someone is wiping your brains from the cliffrock. Did not talk to old Chris much, but he was one of the good ones.
My window has a good view of the wilderness. Maybe, that's why I am still here. You would think that your ghosts, regrets, mistakes won't find you here. But some nights, you would wake up in your own sweat and find them gaping at you, through the only small lamplight in the room.
The forest is a serene place. And occasionally it will put up a show for you. Kamikaze, they called it. I was there when it started. A bottle of cheap whiskey and my boy. I always fed him well, but he never grew out of that 15 by 15 photograph.
The wind would carry soot to my doorstep and I would sit there, undeterred and speechless. I felt peaceful in all that turmoil. Somewhere in there, I saw myself, charred and ash.
The wilderness took me to its bosom through the impeachable fire trail. It would contain it. Are you sure? Maybe shadows don't leave cold nights because their roars would eclipse the day. As for me, I would probably follow my prey into the flames. Until then, I'll be a coyote on Firewatch.
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