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Showing posts from January, 2019

Duct Taped Radios

Last words are often overshadowed by what follows them, squeals, shrieks or sighs. You'd know to hear for it, even expect it because it isn't a singular permanent thing in your vision, that floats incessantly in your waking torment. Instead, it's sudden, like a jerk to some old furniture, a bolt to a fan, that ultimately condenses to some poison. And this poison, like the repellants in the dark are of unknown devices, a dependable light and pungent scent. I wonder whom to pity, we who bleed or those who come seeking it . I find the idea of a resting place comforting, yet completely redundant. Because the moment we knew our limitations, we found those desirable. That when rot put on a mossy cover and leashed us with vines, we couldn't help but rattle our bones against our crypts, that swung yarns of cobwrbs with dewdrop milestones upon them, and a heart of dust. Our clothes drape us, our calendars age us, our breaths identify us. Nobody cares about being brandish...